School Year Programs
Kids on Course staff work full-time in the schools they serve. Being on the ground level allows for long-lasting relationships with students, families and staff. Our program provides a cocoon of supports to wrap around students: addressing barriers that prevent students from learning, engaging families in their student's education, providing enrichment opportunities and supporting academics so students are on the path to college. Students enter the program in elementary school and we follow their educational journey throughout high school.
The Kids on Course Elementary Program focuses on helping students reach grade level or beyond in math and reading. After school tutoring (Learning Lab) and the summer program (Kids on Course University) are helping close the achievement gap between higher and lower income students.
Elementary students visit college campuses and learn about different college majors and careers. Beginning in first grade, Kids on Course staff members hold conferences with parents to talk about the "Road to College," which creates a path for students to follow in elementary, middle and high school that will prepare them for the pursuit of post-secondary education.
Kids on Course offers enrichment opportunities in a variety of areas including sports, arts and science. Students who show commitment to the program and a passion for a certain activity are eligible to receive a Bid for Kids scholarship, which helps pay for extracurriculars like studio dance lessons, club soccer, and many others.
Middle School
Full-time staff provide encouragement and support to students both in and out of school. The support extends to families as they adapt to raising preteens. Staff members help to bridge communication between school and home.
Kids on Course offers academic programs like Learning Lab and Scholar Camp (a summer academic program), to make sure students are on track to graduate from high school on time and pursue post-secondary education.
The middle school program emphasizes high school and college preparation by practicing study skills, spending time on college campuses, learning how to manage their time effectively and navigating difficult social situations.
High School
High school can be stressful as students take on difficult classes, while also balancing activities and work. Students who are in vulnerable situations can disengage from their learning and slip into a pattern that results in poor grades and potentially dropping out. That's why Kids on Course continues mentoring high school students and tracks their attendance, grades, activities and behaviors.
All students in KOC receive a college scholarship to pursue post-secondary educational pursuits like a two-year degree, a four-year degree, certification, apprenticeships or military service. Students also receive support in taking college entrance exams like the ACT, tutoring starting in the first weeks of freshman year, plus individualized counseling in pursuing a path after high school.
Kids on Course provides a sort of school within a school. It's similar to how teams have a shared sense of purpose and create strong bonds that elevate the whole. Kids on Course students go on excursions together to learn about the cultural and career opportunities available in their hometown of Cedar Rapids.